Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Madressah
The Aim
The aim of the SEND madrasah is to provide an Islamic education to those children who have otherwise been unable to access mainstream madressah education. The provision have been in operation since the 10th of December and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
The Set-Up
The SEND madrasah is open to students aged 4-12 and currently runs for two sessions per week: Tuesday and Wednesday 5.15pm to 6.15pm. We currently have 12 students on record, 6 per session. The SEND madrasah is operationally run by the manager who has undertaken all the responsibilities involved in setting up a provision and delivering a quality curriculum.
The Cohort
The cohort is reflective of the make-up of the SEND needs in our local community. 9 of the 12 students have ASD with the other 3 students displaying co-morbidity with other conditions. This in itself demonstrates challenges, and henceforth the manager has delivered training on ASD to sta prior to employment. All ASD children are unique, thus the manager has used the EHCP documents which SEND children have to develop techniques which the key worker will use. This is all part of o ering a highly individualised curriculum.
The Curriculum
The curriculum encompasses both Qur’an Studies and Islamic Studies. Every single session will have time dedicated to both. Qur’an Studies is taught using the traditional materials but supplemented by creative resources which may best enable the child to learn. The session also covers Islamic Studies. A comprehensive curriculum has been designed by the manager which covers Fiqh, Ahadith, Aqaid, Akhlaq, and Adaab. These areas are delivered in the form of topics such as ‘Who is Allah and What is Islam’ and ‘Characteristics of a Muslim’. The curriculum is designed essentially to help the SEND student form an Islamic identity. The curriculum also specifies the kalimas and duas the students need to learn.